A satirical take on the comic book genre through the eyes of a hapless henchmen who unwittingly survives a superhero raid on her workplace ironically while creating a safety video for the purpose of protecting her fellow henchmen.
A Racing Heart
Editor/Sound Team/Colourist
A heart transplant recipient strives to make good on the promise he made to himself back when he was dying, all while connecting with the family who helped give his life a new meaning.
Father, Mother, Monster, Daughter (Music Video)
Editor/Practical and Visual Effects
Preformed by Saturnine Sighs. A throwback to 70’s horror. Alice flips through the channels late at night when she comes across “The Babysitter“. She discovers the characters in the film know that she is watching. They lure her into the film to trap her inside.
Data Breach
Writer/Director/Editor/Visual Effects/Colourist
"Agent James Holland, a young agent must sacrifice everything while being hunted down in order to expose the illegal operations going on in his agency."
If Any At All (Music Video)
A Music Video performed by the Ike's. "A young couple appears to be falling apart, questioning where they find themselves in each others lives. From the perspective the man, he believes that she is playing games with him and not revealing her true intention. He is tempted, he wants to be with her. Yet he struggles to know if he can."